Fifty Shades Meander: The Music

Check out the sidebar for the music featured in the chapters of Fifty Shades Meander to help you set the mood…

9 thoughts on “Fifty Shades Meander: The Music

  1. Deborah says:

    When I read the story, I always listen to Beyonce’s 1 + 1 or Chris Brown’s Don’t Judge I’ve been addicted to Beyonce’s I miss you.


  2. Dena says:

    Awesome. Thanks!! So exited tomorrow’s Friday!! Update time! Thanks for the teaser!!


  3. Deborah says:

    I also wanted to tell you that when I saw this alert I thought it was an early update, so I jumped out of bed so quick, that I fell. My daughter was getting ready for school (she’s 16), so of course she comes into my room look for hair products and such, but she laughed so still laughing lol


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