220 thoughts on “GQ Article

  1. Deanna says:

    Very enjoyable read ladies. For a few moments, I forgot I was reading a fictional story. BRAVO!


  2. HenryCavill4Fifty says:

    Fecking awesome ladies!! You made it look and feel exactly like a magazine article. Christian did not crack once and was very focused. Ana was also very direct but charming. Sasha could not hid her (or her panties) reaction to Mr Grey. I can’t wait to see what they both think of the article – along with the world’s reaction. What will he think of the photos? I of course loved the last one with Christian andAna. #henrycavill


  3. Nancy says:

    Most enjoyable so real! 🙂


  4. atterbury (Liz) says:

    Monique just for a giggle. This chapter (article) has been such a success for the both of you, it has become the gift that keeps on giving. At the end of the chapter when we review there is a little box one can check for the notification of the authors response. Well with this chapter and having so many reviews and double authors responding it has been fun to see how many zillions of e-mails have filled my in box 🙂 It makes me smile at the incredible responces and love of what you two have done. Congratulations!!


  5. TERRY says:

    I am so glad you came clean with this I always wanted Christian to be in a place where he would not have this hanging over his head, well done and I so look forward to your next post.


  6. Gkdt says:

    You’re a fantastic writer! Thanks for keeping Christian and Ana’s story alive… I am hooked! When does the next chapter come out? Do you publish them weekly on your blog?? Thank you!!!!!


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hello! Than you very much, you are so welcome! Yes, I do usually but I’m taking a much needed break after a year of continuous writing in-between a busy “real” life. I do publish them on the blog and it is usually over a weekend.


  7. fanny rebellon says:

    Ese articulo esta increible y asi de una se quita la espada de democles de encima fue una buena decision, las felicito, te puedo preguntar tu no estas interesada en traducir correctamente este fic en español? porque no hablas con SIROCCO 968 ella le tradujo a G.E GRIFFIN que escribio conociendo a cincuenta sombras de grey y lo hace perfectamente, te lo digo porque el traductor de geogle es espantoso hay partes que no entendi de tu blog, y yo de ingles no entiendo ni pio, creeme muchas fanaticas te seguiriamos piensalo por favor, y lo digo porque es fabuloso tu fic tiene mucho suspenso y cristian sigue siendo adorable, te agradeceria que me respondieras y de paso te amariaaaaaa, y otra pregunta cuantos capitulos son de este fan fic gracias mil un beso desde venezuela.


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hi Fanny. I think I understood from your message that you know a translator? As I mentioned before I would love to have it translated, I am just not able to offer such a person anything. If you can forward their details to me or put me into contact with them that would be wonderful.


      • fanny rebellon says:

        Hola monique busca conociendo a cincuenta sombras de grey por sirocco 968, no se si ya lo habras leido y sino leelo no te arrepentiras porque es desde la perspectiba de cristian lo escribio G.E GRIFFIN y sirocco con otras compañeras lo tradujeron y son las mejores las amo. yo ya le hable por facebook de ti, y me dijo que lo va a leer y hablar con sus compañeras, pero si mi intuicion no me engaña pienso que si lo va a traducir porque es demasiado bueno y de paso ya el fic de ellas ya le queda poco y tiene muchas seguidoras y no son para nada egoistas son un amor asi que al abrir el blog a mano izquierda esta la pag de facebook creo que es la forma mas directa para comunicarte con sirocco, te agadezco cualquier informacion. y dime vas a escribir mas capitulos de este fic? te amaria mas un beso.


        • Monique Lain says:

          I Am going to write more Fanny. I post a chapter a week, but I was on holiday the last two weeks. So this person has a facebook page and I can contact him/her through there? Can you send me a link please? Thank you very much for speaking to them. x


      • KereCB says:

        Lol, she said that would love you more if you could translate your fanfic.
        So she is loving you more, she also said that she love your fanfci, is has a lot os suspence, and that Christias is as sharming as always…


  8. Yankee in the South says:

    Please please, we need chapter 52, love your blog, can’t get enough!


  9. Chloe Watret says:

    Wow. These 51 chapters have had me rolling around on my bed screaming awww and oh dear and smiling like a loon!! So many cliff hangers I read the whole 51 chapters within 4 days…. I was addicted! Now I’m constantly checking for a new chapter haha! Can not wait! MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE WELL DONE! Amazingly written I could see everything come to life with my imagination well done 😀 xxxx


    • Monique Lain says:

      Oh wow Chloe! That is amazing, and thank you for your kind words!! Now just consider for a moment that you would have to wait a week between cliffies if you joined the blog earlier! At least you had the pleasure of a long continuous read 😉


  10. vicki jackie says:

    bravo Monique and Sasha!!!!!


  11. BarbarabSolotoff says:

    well done…so where is pg 69?


  12. Sue says:

    Omg….I loved it!!!


  13. Kikka says:

    Peccato che questo articolo non è stato tradotto in italiano, avrei tanto voluto leggerlo! 😦


  14. AK says:

    That was just fabulous – thanks so much


  15. CT says:

    where can i grab a copy of this edition. LOL…

    i am smiling like a loon.. this is an amazing article…


  16. Wow! I discovered this a few months back when I was having severe FSOG withdrawals, and I must say, and I think I may speak for many when I say this: your work, the strength of your writing ability, and the way you cultivate and develop these characters we know and love, is astounding! I’m finding that rather than rereading the books again, I keep coming back to this! Thank you so much for your hard work!


  17. crystal says:

    I know this is your story of Ana and Christian but I have trouble buying into either of them saying some of that stuff. But it’s a good read. Still don’t know if I like this chapter


  18. vasantib2012 says:

    Absolutely loved the article…..it’s so well written that I might as well be reading it in the magazine! Many thanks


  19. Elisebeth says:

    you’ve done an amazing work so far–but now I must say you’ve surpassed yourself! Did not feel like a fictional interview in ANY WAY,and oh the accompanying photos! (drool) thank you a lot! Hats off to you 🙂


  20. Brenda says:

    Well, I am a little late in reading this and the E. L. James series as well. I had 2 babies and I am just finding time to start reading again. I read her 4 books in a weeks time, and yes, I also did not get enough. I am so glad I came across this. Although at first when I saw Ana ran off and got together with Jose, I stopped reading for a few days, thinking “Ana would never do that”, but curiosity got the best of me and I came back to read. I am glad I did. Reading this is all I can think about doing in what little free time I get. It is terrific. I keep thinking right now at this point in the book, since Jose won’t relinquish his rights to Chris, they should go with it and seek past, present and future child support! I bet that would get him to sign off on his rights! Thanks for writing this! I look forward to what is still to come! (And I got teary eyed twice now! Christian’s arrival at Ray’s, and the pregnancy results!)


    • Monique Lain says:

      Aww, that’s so nice! Thank you for letting me know. Oh, to be in the first flush of FSOG love! *sigh* I wish I could have the experience all over again, reading it for the first time and falling hopelessly in love with the story. Thank you for taking a chance on my wild start story! 😉


  21. Barbara says:

    Fantastically written GQ
    Monique … loved it! 👏👏👏👏
    It just keeps getting better and better!!


  22. mothergolf says:

    just read your GQ article, simply amazing……there were times when I thought Mr Grey was going to spank the interviewer……loved it….awesome as always…..


  23. love the article and finally im not crying

    Liked by 1 person

  24. APT says:

    this version of the story is more like the one I wished and better written.
    You did a great job and this QG article was very well build. I keep reading and reviewing.


  25. vondax55 says:

    Love this chapter! Picturing Dawn French had me in hysterics, such naughty but nice flirt! Bravo for keeping Christian true to form, too may writers have made him soppy and soft when he needs to be passionate, dominant and struggling to open up. Ta xx


    • Monique Lain says:

      Wow! You went super fast!! 😉 I know what you mean though. IMHO, if you’re going to write fan fic it should be in the same vein. That’s what the readers want more of, right? That’s DEFINITELY what I wanted when I first finished FSOG.
      Anyway, viva Brisvegas indeed! Are you from our lovely tropical city?


      • vondax55 says:

        Just near Tamborine and loving the rain at the moment! I was running out of the style of ff I like and decided to visit an old friend, ie this story, so am having a mega marathon!! I will review again as I progress x


        • Monique Lain says:

          Really? We LOVE Mnt Tamborine and the surrounds. How cool is that? In all this time it’s only the second time that I’ve (cyber) met a reader from here! Yes, the rain is awesome! I love it! 💕


          • vondax55 says:

            Only the second, that crazy. We did discuss our proximity 3 years ago and I assumed you had lots of nearby fans. I get your book blog on Sundays but have not had contact for years. I have read so much FSOG fictionI am out of the good stuff and re reading favourites. Must say I enjoy your comments and videos on the movies, lots of fun stuff. Back to the reading…….. Jillian x


            • Monique Lain says:

              3 years ago? Ha! No wonder it fell off the back of the truck of my memory! Comes with the stealing creep of age, right? LOL! 😜 Can you believe when I first started my story there were only 7 FSOG FF stories on the FF site? Now there are thousands!
              Glad you enjoy my newsy tidbits. That’s good to hear 😘


              • vondax55 says:

                Done, finished reading the whole story for the second time, 3 years and one month in between. Woo hoo. I enjoyed it again of course. Looks like you aren’t going to add any more, would that be accurate? Looking for other stories to read that reflect the true CTG, any suggestions? Looking forward to the weekend, going to Brissy Lure Coursing and hoping it isn’t too hot. Take care.
                Jillian of Clagiraba (you know where!)


              • Monique Lain says:

                That’s amazing, Jillian! So quick. Glad you had fun with round two. 😉
                I would love to add more but those wonderful blocks of time I used to have to dedicate to writing is a thing of the past. Sadly. 😔
                Lure Coursing, huh? Is your doggy involved? How exciting! Hopefully the weather will play along! Enjoy. 👍🏻


              • vondax55 says:

                Yes, dogs are involved. I have 7 but this sport is with a rescue that I try and spend one on one time with. Hard to get special time with all my dogs but I manage. Pets are the only love you can buy!
                Jillian x


              • Monique Lain says:

                Cute! Well, enjoy. Sounds like a worthwhile sport 👍🏻


  26. Sherry J Roma says:

    Well done! Feared it might be a hatchet-job, but Christian and Ana were brilliant, wise and sweetly themselves. Loved it!


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