Between the covers book club

Hello, lovely ladies 😉

So? How is the new year treating you so far? One more week of hollies left for me and then back to the grindstone… *sigh*


Apart from Dakota’s wardrobe malfunction at the People’s Choice Awards, news surrounding FSOG is thin on the ground. Hopefully this year will see some action concerning the movie and the missing two books of Grey. 


This week I read:

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Kaleidoscope Hearts by Claire Contreras, book one in the Hearts series, was a very cute story. It was warm and sweet with a little light angst, the perfect holiday book. It can be read as a standalone. Thank you, Susan. It was a great Christmas gift 😉

It’s a Wonderful Tangled Christmas Carol by Emma Chase, book 4.5 in the Tangled series, was fantastic. Every time I read a book in this stunning, funny series I’m reminded of the great characters that make up this awesome story. Drew, especially, is an absolute treat. If you’re looking for a great read that has a lovely balance of heat and humour, look no further than Tangled. This series should be read in order.

Bad Girls by Rebecca Chance followed the same vein as the book I read from her last week and she did not disappoint. I’m still loving this interesting, POV-switching format. Great standalone books, nice and long.

Currently I’m reading:


Fighting Destiny by Amelia Hutchins, book one in The Fae Chronicles. Yes, don’t fall off your chair… I’m reading a paranormal book. Thank you, Sharon 😉

Ha! Yes! This made me giggle….


Absolute truth! LOL! 🙂

Thanks for visiting, girls. I’ll see ya’ next week.

Monique kiss