Crossfire special edition book club

Hello, lovely ladies 🙂

My week of holiday has come and gone *sigh* How come times of rest never feel long enough? LOL! And before it slips my busy mind, thank you so much for all the well wishes. Thanks to laser surgery I’ve now ditched my spectacles! Yay!


Let’s move onto movie news: this last week saw a lot of fresh pics from FSOG sets/scenes. I bet you remember when Christian naively lead Ana to Esclava for a haircut. Silly, silly man!



See more from The Stir.

Then, the Laters, Baby site reported that Hugh Dancy landed the role of Dr Flynn:


Personally, I think he looks a little younger than expected, but otherwise, he seems suitable.

Lastly, Susan shared this fascinating article: Unsloppy Seconds taken from Entertainment Weekly and posted by the Fifty Shades of Grey Fan site. I was particularly interested in reading about the high level of Erika’s control in the movie, and her vision to focus on the meat of Ana and Christian’s relationship rather than the steamy side. It made me feel VERY hopeful for Darker.


This week I read:

NB: Please note that the review WILL contain spoilers from below the warning stamp.



I finished my re-read of the Crossfire series, book three and four, Entwined With You and Captivated by You by Sylvia Day. Though I STILL love the series, I maintain that book three, and especially book four, felt like long chapters rather than books that stand on their own merit. The stretching of the series, to me, made the writing feel just a little lazy. It’s also very interesting to note that she softened the intimate language over the course of all the books. My guess is that she wanted to make it more appealing to those readers whose first brush with the erotic genre was with FSOG and Erika’s “good-girl” language. Intriguing…

 One With You by Sylvia Day, book five in the Crossfire series was a loooong read. Not that I’m complaining. After the epic wait it was great to sink into something substantial. Also, it was jam packed with all the things that made Gideon and Eva so special, and, as ever, Sylvia’s beautiful writing style did not disappoint. I’ve always loved Gideon’s specific brand of Alpha. Overall I liked it, awarding it four stars on Goodreads, but it’s not without it’s issues. One of the main things we’ve been discussing through the course of the series were the loose ends, and though a lot of questions were answered, I was surprised to be left with some serious unanswered story lines, and even some new ones.

Spoiler alert

  • Firstly, I struggled with the Cary, Trey, and Tatiana plus baby dynamic: is it his or not and is he and Trey going to patch things up?
  • Gideon’s mom: why does she refuse to believe/acknowledge his abuse? What’s the story there?
  • What about Corinne’s book? Will it still be published? And if so -naturally – we’d like to see the blowback of that.
  • There was also no resolution from the Landon’s. Did the GenTen blow away the competition? We also never found out if Landon’s wife, Angela, was genuine when she invited Eva to Fashion Week or if she was hiding some dodgy agenda.
  • One of the things that bothered me the most was the whole Hall thing. This was, in my opinion, the pivotal moment of the book, but she had SO MUCH going on that I don’t believe she brought the scene justice, needing to move on to the next thing to keep the book flowing and not growing too long (though, it has to be said, that a good book can never be too long). The whole scene was short and poorly explained. And the fallout?? What on earth happened to Anne as a consequence?? Considering Gideon’s tremendous resources, why the hell don’t we know more?
  • I absolutely loved the addition of Lucky, though I would have liked to see Eva’s thoughts on the matter and whether the puppy’s instincts was the actual reason she got him (that’s not what she told Gideon…) or was it all just a happy coincidence?
  • Lastly, and most confusingly, the ending with Eva’s mom’s secret background revealed, to me, seemed like a gratuitous complication. One that the book didn’t need to make it more riveting. There was more than enough brewing in the background, tension wise. Not only was the explanation unclear, but why take on the identity of an existing person, someone she knew and who knew her (and could possibly follow her movements/keep tabs on her)? Especially the daughter of the family she must hate. Why keep their name despite never hiding Eva’s dad’s identity? And if she had an affair with Eva’s dad in the course of that abusive relationship with her first husband, and considering the bloodhound cop instincts of Victor Reyes, would he not have known that the woman he loved was being assaulted? He does NOT strike me as the type of man who would let that go.

As a sidenote, and for those of you who REALLY like to nitpick, with Monica’s developing headache after Gideon’s talkshow interview, Eva offers her the guest bedroom, the one that was made up like Eva’s from her apartment, but in the previous book, that bedroom was cleared entirely for the swing… Huh.

Well, girls, that was a mouthful. Let’s discuss! Don’t you just love a big, juicy story? 😉

Let me leave you with this, the next dress I might invest in…


Happy week, ladies!

Monique kiss

35 thoughts on “Crossfire special edition book club

  1. Linda says:

    I loved the last book. But I guess because I like to write myself, I was glad that Sylvia Day left some of the endings to the minor characters to our imagination. I thought what happened to Cary was ending enough for him; what happened with Anne and Corrine was ending enough. I’m glad we got to know Angus and Clancy just a teeny bit. And the thing with Monica was a surprise and interesting part of the story. My big question is: when Gideon jumped on top of Eva, who jumped on top of Gideon? My imagination has a theory. . . 🙂


    • Monique Lain says:

      Oh yeah? Now you’m have to share that lovely imaginative though with us, Linda… 🙂 And I agree, overall I like the book, even loved, but considering the questions and requests she gets via her social media feeds I am surprised at the number of threads dangling.


  2. Christine says:

    I was disappointed. A long wait for a book that left so many loose ends, as you stated Monique. I would have preferred to not have newly introduced characters but to know more of the characters in previous books. I expect I am in the minority with my views.


    • Monique Lain says:

      Aww, I’m sorry Christine. How sad to feel that way for the closing book of a beloved series. I can say that I’m not feeling disappointed but rather surprise. She may have left so many angles unexplored because of the TV rights she’s sold. Perhaps she’s left some doors open for future episodes to explore? That was my thinking, anyway. I have seen overwhelmingly positive reviews, but usually a star rating on a book site doesn’t look as deeply into feelings on a story. Maybe that’s why.


  3. Katherine says:

    Hi Monique firstly I won’t be reading the Crossfire Series this isn’t a reflection on you so please don’t take it as such but even the reviews today bored me, I say that in the nicest possible way 😉 For me I made the right decision not to go any further than book 1 so thanks for saving me a few quid.
    So last week I read Lies Unspoken and Love Unspoken by Lisa Dejong I loved them but personally I hated Blake and was disappointed that he seemed to have it all at the end but I would recommend them.
    I am currently reading Hush …………………well I have to say it arrived on my kindle at midnight and I am riveted when I found out who she saw getting of the plane at the end of Echo I near fell of the bed lol.
    I’m very interested to see what you think of it.
    Have a great week x


    • Monique Lain says:

      LOL! Aww, Katherine, thank you for your very carefully worded message. I love that you care enough not to want to hurt my ego 😉 But no, it has to be said, considering the deep level of our book sharing, I’m never offended when someones doesn’t agree with me on a book. I hope you guys take it the same way from me.
      Happy that you found something good to sink your teeth into. I agree with you, it’s annoying not to like the male character in a story! I’ve also seen Hush land in my book app, but frankly, I’m still a little scared to read it!!! Perhaps, this week, I’ll wait for your review! 😉 How did you like the picture of the wine gown I posted? Very practical party dress, right? LOL!


      • Katherine says:

        I loved the dress wonder how many bottles of vodka i’d get it in though saying that on my last spa visit I developed a liking for long island ice tea 🍹 I also thought the horse was hilarious lol. So glad the message came across how I intended it to we’re all not as eloquent as you are 😉


        • Monique Lain says:

          LOL! Vodka in the dress? Holy smokes, you’ll be completely shnozzled. But that’s the point, right?? 😂😂 You were beautifully eloquent, I understood perfectly. Thank you for caring, Kath 🤗


      • Katherine says:



  4. sharon says:

    Enjoyed the Crossfire re-read experience immensely. Especially since I knew what to expect from books 3 & 4. Thank you so much for getting me started on that in time. And I did enjoy book five…but agree with everything you said 100%. (Thanks, saves me all that typing!) I would also be at 4 stars.
    My understanding is that Sylvia has been writing 14+ years, but before Gideon, her top selling book was 9000 copies. So my thought would be perhaps she and her publishers don’t want to give up the Gideon train (understandable), and there may be an offshoot of sorts. Maybe. Otherwise, its hard to explain so many distracting loose ends. If that is the case, I would have preferred a well-wrapped ending, and I think the fans would still have purchased other Crossfire books. I preferred my personal theory of Monica becoming pregnant….but the Monica twist that she wrote was so sudden at the end, it distracted me from enjoying Eva and Gideon’s special moments. When I finished the book, I just sat there and was sad about Monica. Can’t imagine that was Sylvia’s intention…was it just me? At the very least, I would at least have liked her to enjoy Eva’s wedding and reception (with the cute red touches!).
    I LOVED that Gideon did the talk show. I was cheering!! And I also loved Lucky. I think the nightmare perception was a happy result, as there wouldn’t have been any way for Eva to know beforehand. It was a creative way to resolve the sleeping issues.

    Everything else….what Monique said. I will say a sex swing sounds so awesome…afraid that will remain as an unresolved item on my bucket list! Boo.


    • Monique Lain says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the series, Sharon! And yes, Gideon was certainly a break-out character for her. Did you know that she based him on a protagonist from one of her previous books? A period drama called Seven Years to Sin.
      Yeas, the talk show was a stroke of genius from our delectable GC! The thing that occurred to me regarding the loose ends was that she may have done so to create possible avenues for the TV series to explore once it’s aired. If successful and once ALL the books are covered, she now has quite a few directions to explore. Maybe? 🤗


      • Sharon says:

        Oh, that would make sense too. So, maybe. The five books together made for a rich read, even though she really needed to consult with us!
        LOL. And you got Gideon for your birthday! What perfect timing!!
        Happy birthday from Florida!


        • Monique Lain says:

          Thanks, Sharon. Yes, I really can’t complain. More Gideon can never be a bad thing! 😉 And I agree, I think it’s a fabulous idea to have authors stop by here to get our input! 👍🏻And thank you for the BD wishes 😘


  5. Sheila H. says:

    I have to agree with Christine I enjoyed the book but I was left feeling disappointed. You look forward to reading the last book, and end up feeling ugh! I was okay with the storyline about Monica although sad that she was killed. As I am a dog person I liked the addition of Lucky. When I started reading the book to me, it was too much about Gideon felt this and Eva felt this and we are both broken – yes I know that just get on with the story! At one point I did wonder if I was going to continue reading the book, but like everyone else I have waited long enough for it so I continued. I do not regret buying any of the books but just felt let down/disappointed with this last book.


    • Monique Lain says:

      That sucks, Sheila. Isn’t it surprisingly sad, considering how deeply invested we get in a story, how much the conclusion of said book affects us? So frustrating when you feel you don’t get what you need from a beloved story. How many stars out of five would you give it?


      • Sheila H. says:

        I would give the book 4 stars out of 5, just because I was not happy with the book does not mean anyone else will dislike it. I cannot fault the writing or the story but it was such a let down for me. Normally when I have been awaiting another book to a trilogy etc I find that when I have read the book, I always enjoyed it so much that I wanted to start reading the book again. Sadly this did not happen with this book, I simply put it in the bookcase alongside the others in the set.


        • Monique Lain says:

          Yeah, I hear you. Though I very much enjoyed the reread. I’m glad I did that, just to get everything straight in my head again. Still, book one and two is where ALL the magic happened. If I ever reread again, it will just be those two.


  6. FLMaddy says:

    After really long wait for One With You, it was very disapointing. Lucky was the best part of the story. I was really looking for an actual wedding, you know with vows and cake and honeymoon. I did not like the whole Monica story or aftermath. Come on she couldn’t give these two the happy ending they deserved ?? I did like that his step-dad turned out to be a really nice guy and loved Gideon and it seemed the issue with his brother would be resolved. I agree with you about the Landon thing, WTF was that all about. And I’ve read several comments online that folks weren’t didn’t care about the future family, but that is something else that would have nice for A&G, a happy family at the beach house with kids and the grandparents. Something that niether of them ever had in their chilhood.


    • Monique Lain says:

      I’m sorry you felt disappointed, girlfriend. And i agree, Chris turning into a loving stepdad was a touch I also enjoyed very much, especially for Gideon’s sake. Personally, I think she wanted to make it more exciting with all the possible different angles – there were VERY high expectation of this book after all – but it turned out to simply be too many to address. Great share. Thank you 😉


  7. KereCB says:

    Ok. I just put the book down! I Loved this book! I really was hoping to did it for me, cause I really didn’t like book 4th much. I loved Sylvia’s writting, it felt divine, I transported to every scene, it was a delight to read this book and all the crossfire series with special attention to the very single detail. I really feel that Monica’s death was like a detour of the main story, and all her past, was a little weird. In the positive note I really loved Lucky’s addition to the story not only cause I love dogs but because he was helpfull to Gideon! I really enjoyed the book a lot! Kx


  8. Hi Monique. Hope you’re all better. Loved your review and I agree with all your comments. I loved the last book but was left feeling quite deflated with the ending. Too many unanswered questions but also the Brett Kline issue is still unresolved also. When I first read these books I found it very hard to connect with Gideon but all my friends who read the books, and are in love with Gideon, pushed me to read them again. I read them four times and by the time I finished I saw Gideon in a very different light and all fell in love with him. I was said that Eva’s mum died and I was so emotionally from all my crying not only for Eva but also for Gideon who was trying so hard to help Eva and he was so out of his depth. I now understand why Monica always wanted money because she had to make sure her sister was always cared for. There was a little hint that she had a secret in a previous book she and Eva were having lunch and she told Eva she had something to tell her but only when she wasn’t too upset. It is a shame they all good things must come to an end and I hope that we might get another novel in the future to give us insight to what has happened in their lives and hopefully answer these questions that have been raised. Maybe that was Sylvia Day’s intention all along. Who knows. I did read an Interview she she said that her characters never go away they might appear in other stories. Let’s keep our fingers crossed ladies that our wishes may be granted. Enjoy your week and happy reading.


    • Monique Lain says:

      I know what you mean, Camela. I also had a hard time reading and connecting with Crossfire during book 1, but like you, I fell head over heels for Gideon. I’m mostly happy with book 5, but I think the level of unanswered question was what got to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, girlfriend 🙂


  9. WilderFables says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday Miss Monique and many more in good health. You are right, getting older is not for sissies; being a woman of a certain age myself. I was pissed that the last book took so long, then I stopped caring. Then I said to myself ” as a writer respect her process and when the book comes it will be right on time”. Well, it was on time and it personally affected me in ways I could not fathom then. Sylvia Day is a most eloquent writer who has a special talent in dialogue and phrasing. She also writes sex scenes that set you on fire ( at least for me smile). I loved the addition of the dog and truly I liked the turn of Monica’s story. It gave depth and as sometimes in life, not everything is as it seems. There was a part the Eva says this is the first full day without her mother. I just broke down and cried because my mom passed away on November 25, 2015 and there is not a moment that I do not miss her. Anyway, not everything can be wrapped up nice and tidy. Sometimes there are just loose ends. Thank you for your time:)


    • Monique Lain says:

      Aww, thank you so much. And yeah, I hear you on the age thing. ‘Sucks is what I think!! Youth is soooo waisted on the young! 😜 Actually, the book wasn’t on time. Originally it was meant to come out Dec 2015, if I recall correctly, unless you mean that in a figurative way. 😉 Yes, she is a very good writer, especially language wise. She paints a beautiful picture. And also, I can also agree with you that life doesn’t come wrapped, neatly in a bow, but the level of loose ends really got to me. I think, mentally, when I read, I sorta’ keep score in my head, wether it’s grammar, or plot holes, or other issues. There’s a good number I can live with, but this one exceeded that limit for me. I’m so sorry about your mum. That must be hard to deal with. I can imagine that the Monica twist stung.


  10. MAC says:

    Hi my ladies…
    I did enjoy the last book even though I had primed myself for disappointment with 5 books and all… I know we get our hopes up and we have a connection to these characters. We are invested in them. I love Moniques questions because most of them are mine as well. Sorry I just did not get why the hell she left so many ends!! Tatiana?? Did she fall off the pages of the book?? That kid is not Carey’s. I am sticking with that. And while I am still confused as to why Clancy took a bracelet and put it on a dead guy there was absolutely no joining story there for me. That could of been so much bigger. That was only seconded by my confusion over Monica. Whoever she was. I agree Monique… Why’d she steal the identity and did Eva know! Victor must! So confusing when she could of developed this as a much more “grab you and suck you in kinda story”… No? And Gideon’s mom well I wanted to slap her. Her relationship with the pivotal characters ~ Gideon, Doctor Hugh and Anne and even Christopher just left me shaking my head… WTF. If you are going to make us wait 2 years for a series book at least tie the friggin characters together. Granted not everything needs an ending and some things are better left unsaid makes for good discussion. But I have reread the last 3 chapters twice and all I got was a headache. Did she have too many characters? I really stand by her commitment to Gideon and Eva I think she did stay loyal to them but there is a lot left unfinished. I love Gideon and want him to have 4 stars, hell I would give him 10 but I do not think Sylvia completed her other characters, she left them hanging so 3 stars for me.
    Can’t wait to hear what others think… Maybe I just wanted to love the book too much.

    Hugs Monique 💋


    • Monique Lain says:

      Oohh, good comment. Yup, I think we’re basically on the same page. I get the bracelet thing, GC did not realise that he was being watched and followed by Clancy (or by a Clancy sanctioned crony). I don’t think GC realised Clancy’s investment in Eva’s safety. When GC took off from the Vodka mixer to take care of Nathan, Clancy was right there. He knew what GC did, and though GC was careful, Clancy could give him an extra layer of protection, deepen his alibi. Not to help Gideon but to help Eva. He knew she loved him, he didn’t want her to loose the man she loved. That bit of extra probable cause is enough to keep GC free from conviction if ever he had to face a court. I quite liked that touch.
      Yeah, I think your last comment hits the nail on the head, our expectations were sky-high! Good to hear from you, girlfriend 😉


  11. MAC says:

    Your explanation makes sense once we discuss it. But why was Clancy so vested in Eva? He was their driver. I just dont get the mothers either one. Never learned why Eva’s mother took someone elses identity or why Gideons was so hell bent on not believing him… GAH
    Closure lady all we wanted was some closure!! Is that too much to ask from a 5 book series?? I loved Lucky he was the best part made Gideon seem less rigid and Lucky even woke him from his nghtmares…Awww so cute, little puppy. Made me forget about wanting to slap his mother!!

    Heehee 💋


    • Monique Lain says:

      I guess, like everyone, he loved Eva and wanted to keep her safe. He obviously takes keeping peeps safe very seriously. He helped her mum cover up her past and then, probably felt that Eva went through enough as a child. Nope, we still don’t know why the Monica tangent was added and the details surrounding it plus all the various other things. You’re right, it is a pity. Aww well. Not much we can do about it, girlfriend. Perhaps it will all come out in the TV series? Here’s hoping! 😘


  12. Jen says:

    I just finished book five. If this question has come up, I’m sorry. I didn’t read all of the other comments thoroughly. Here’s my question. If Monica is Lauren, and she was married and had an affair with Victor, wouldn’t he have known her by the name Lauren?? She didn’t take the name Monica until she ran away.


    • Monique Lain says:

      No worries, Jen, great to have you weigh in on the discussion. Yup, I made a point along those similar lines, especially if Victor is the crack-up cop he’s supposed to be. No way would he let her stay in an abusive relationship and for sure, the name thing is definitely a plot hole, not only for the reason you mention, but also, why would she take on the name of a society girl that could be easily found and still existed?


  13. Casey Wright says:

    Hi Monique, I read “One With You” as soon as it came out…..eagerly awaiting the conclusion of my favourite series and the fate of my favourite BB. I read it in a flurry whilst on a 12hr airplane trip to the other side of the world and I was, in a word, DISAPPOINTED! There was so much I couldn’t understand, most of all Monica’s story, and why and how it was all tied in. I was so ANNOYED that I couldn’t even be bothered commenting about my thoughts on the book! So I went about my holiday and forgot all about the series.
    Then I came home and started reading all my favourite series again (Original Sinners – I can never get enough of those!; Gabriel series – my sexy intellectual!) as well as some new ones (Calendar Girl – quite sweet; Club Destiny – HOT, HOT, HOT!).
    Then August rolled around and I yearned for our beloved GC so I slowly re-read all of the Crossfire books again and I found the diamond in OWY. There were so many things I missed the first time I read it, when I was so eager for the ending that I lost the magic of the journey. I discovered the love, the growth, the change, the strength, the partnership that developed between the two of them. I now understand like I didn’t before, that it didn’t matter what happened around them….it was JUST ABOUT THEM! I loved the books, all of them, so much more this time around. I even understand why SD needed to dispense with both mothers in one way or another (because they both hindered the development of the main couple) even though Monica’s was a strange way of doing it and much more devastating. Monique, I hope you give the books another chance because I know you love GC as much as I do! Fingers crossed for the movie/TV series one day….!! Cxx


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hey Casey, no need to worry, girl! I ADORE Gideon and the Crossfire series despite not seeing the point of some story lines. It’s one of my ultimate favourite rereads, though I usually listen to it on Audible. I’m glad you found your joy with it though. And yes, I think, ultimately, it’s about them finding their way regardless of the raging storms in the background. My review might have highlighted the issues I had with the book , but I’ve never lost my love for the series, even with the ridiculously long waits between the novels. Good to hear your thoughts 😉


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