Between the covers – book club

Hello there ladies,

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I trust you’re enjoying your Sunday and heading for a good work week. Thank you for your support with the poll so far, please don’t forget to vote! Scroll down to find it, but I will repost over the month for your voting convenience 😉

This week I had a FANTASTIC reading week, one of the best EVER, and I’m so stoked to share it with you. This little joke pretty much sums it up for me…

book i14

This week I read:

tempt p  real1

Tempting the Player by J Lynn/Jennifer L Armentrout was a great read if not a little predictable. Very much like Tempting the Best Man, the first book in the series I raved about last week. Dirty by Megan Hart was next on my list but I opted for Real by Katy Evans instead, due to a few strong recommendations I had here on the blog (thank you, by the way, for those suggestions).

Let me put it to you this way:

book j7  book j7  book j7

Yes, a solid, triple sqyeeeeeeee from me! This book was FANTASTIC!  It has a delicious raw intensity that grabs you by the throat, mauls you, and spits you out the other side, thoroughly chewed. Think Beautiful Disaster on steroids with double the intensity of the This Man series.  Not only was the story gripping but she’s blessed with exceptional writing skills, applying her craft with a daring and fresh approach. She’s left me in awe. From Goodreads I get the impression that this is her first novel, and it seems she has four more planned for this series though – thank goodness – Real does not leave you hanging. If I could award it six stars on Goodreads I would and I’ve listed it as an all time fav. I loved it! So deserving of my Best Of The Best award I’m going to give it two! 😉

best  best

You can visit her website and subscribe to her newsletter if you fall for this book as hard as I have:

Remy is right up there with Christian, Gideon and Jesse – oh sigh! 😉

Currently I’m reading:


Dirty by Megan Hart is, so far, one of the most beautifully written books I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. It’s like the adult version of Dr Seuss’ Cat In The Hat. The whole book has a deeply poetic feel to it, a rhythm to her words that gives new meaning to having a way with words. She spins them gently like a cat would weave itself between your legs, purring softly with pleasure. I’m not sure where the story is going yet, but I’m loving the writing. I’ll keep you posted.

On my shelf I have:

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Mighty Storm by Samantha Towle

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Happy reading ladies!

Monique 😀

47 thoughts on “Between the covers – book club

  1. Katherine says:

    I love this book club, your comments on Real was a joy to wake up to on a rainy Sunday morning! Hilarious I’m assuming you loved it 🙂
    I’m delighted to hear that there are going to be more books, I thought there was only going to be one more “Mine” I took your recommendations last week and read Tempting the Player and Tempting the best man. I read the Player first and while I really enjoyed both books that was my favoutite one probably because of Chad, reeeaaaaaallly liked him, after Christian and Remy he would probably be my third!
    At the minute I am reading Come Away with Me by Kirsten Proby, there is a sequel, Fight with me that I’m hoping to get into this week as well.
    So far I’m really enjoying it but I’ll let you know next week. Her main man in this book is Luke who is another contender for my list! If this keeps up I will end up just leaving a list of names on your comments 🙂


    • Monique Lain says:

      LOL! Katherine, loved it is the understatement of the century! I’m so glad you enjoyed the Tempting books, I was a little worried. If you like them you’ll love Cherrie Lynn, especially Rock Me and Leave Me Breathless though the male leads are hot I didn’t connect with them as I did with CG, GC, Jesse and Remy but GREAT stories! LOL re list, mine is also getting dangerously long now – too many book boyfriends…;) Come away with me is on my list, should is be on our poll?


  2. Jo Fergus says:

    Like you Katherine I read Tempting the Best Man after Monique’s recommendation and really enjoyed it 🙂 Then I read Real by Katy Evans and whoa, I freaking loved this book so much 🙂 I tweeted my goodreads review to Katy and she said she loved me review, it’s good to give feedback to authors by rating or reviewing as it helps them a lot. So yep, I too got swept away with Remy & Brooke, was the book highlight of my week! Also read Rock My Bed by Michelle Valentine and enjoyed this too, having read the first two books. Yesterday afternoon I bought two paperbacks Reason to Breathe and Barely Breathing by Rebecca Donovan and OMG I was consumed by Reason to Breathe, I finished it at 2.50am this morning and then thought about it for about an hour afterwards just trying to sleep. When I woke up I read the prologue from book two just to ease my mind a bit after such a freaky cliffhanger ending and then made the tough decision not to read book two just yet because I don’t have a maid to clean my house for me 🙂 I am currently reading That Boy by Jillian Dodd and because I like to listen to books when I’m out walking around I am also listening to Love Unscripted by Tina Reber. In two sleeps I will be reading Restore Me by J L Mac – book two after Wreck Me, can’t wait 🙂

    So if you haven’t read Real by Katy Evans, do it this week and if you want something a bit heavy going but quite gripping then try Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan.


    • Katherine says:

      After reading this I think I will try Reason to Breathe let you know how it goes x


    • Monique Lain says:

      Oh Jo, Real was WHOA! The Bomb! Def a big highlight for me too! I’m desperate for the rest of them! There’s nothing on her site about the release date though! Grrr! I had to choose between Rock My Bed and the Mighty Storm this week… too many books, too little time! Thank you for Reason, I’ve put it on my list. Let me know if I should add it to the poll. I’m with you, drop whatever you’re doing and read REAL!


  3. Audrey says:

    I see you’re taken by Remy as bad as the rest of us. Lol!! Have you seen the review on you tube? Its hillarious and pretty much how everyone feels. Arent you glad you bump it up to the top of the list? Ha ha and REAL also one of those book that leaves you with a bad book hangover.

    Well.. Im over the hangover and on full speed of my reading this week.
    I finished, the Mighty Storm (im excited to know you reading it next!!) its a good one! Love! Love! Love! This one. Not so much on the heroine though. She really annoyed me BIG time! I actually have no idea what about the book that i love… But ita one of those that just make me love it blindly.

    I had a book Black Falcon marathon in two days straight. Its CRAZY!! (Rock the heart, rock the band and Rock MY bed). LOVED this series!!!

    Finished Walking Disaster and in loce with Travis all over again. I love the epilogue! It helps having a closure for story knowing where they ended up.

    Also last but definitely not the least… I finished The Bet by Rachel Van Dyken. Its SO! SO! Funny!!! Well since Remy squashed Wallbanger flat for me, this one really make me laugh to the point i had to put the ipad down and wipe my tears from laughing too much. If you need a pick-me-up book thats not heavy and just need a good laugh … Pick this book!! Its 99 cents on amazon currently and definitely worth every cents. Its already my favorite and definitely one i’ll re read for a good laugh.

    On my list: ; Flat out love, And trying my best to finish Fighters block (gahhhh im struggling to finish that one cuz of the way its written)


    • Audrey says:

      Im also picking up if you stay by Cole courtney this week. I heard its good 🙂


    • Monique Lain says:

      I am Audrey, utterly and completely! I am soooo glad! Best thing I’ve done book-wise in months! I had to chose between Storm and Falcon for my next read but I sort of get the impression that they’re quite similar. Is that the case? If so maybe I should read something else in between them. Thumbs up for the WD epilogue and so fitting for what he would choose career wise. The Bet sounds like just what I need right now. Thank you for sharing! 😉


      • Audrey says:

        Yeah!! Mighty storm and Rock my bed kinda in tune. Rock stars romances. Both are good. I read mighty storm right after Rock my Bed. It was ok. I guess there’s something about British writers that i always enjoy. They’re witty.

        The bet is not a steamy read though. Its pure entertainment. Just incase you’re expecting more. Panty change in this case are from all those laughters. Lol!!

        I love this book club!!


  4. Lillimarlene says:

    Megan Hart is one of my favourite authors, she really does take the ordinary and transform it into the extraordinary. I’ve just re-read Naked by this author while on holiday and its even better the second time. There is eroticism in her books but there’s also solid plotting and very believable characters.

    I’ve also read A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, the first volume of The All Souls trilogy. Fascinating plot, Historian witch meets Vampire Scientist in the Bodlean library does not sum it up, it’s very intriguing and I’m looking forward to reading the next volume.

    I’m currently reading The Arrangement by S E Lund. So far very good, in fact it’s probably one of the best post Fifty Shades I’ve read. Nervous submissive is introduced to her first Dom, only to discover that he is the man her influential father wants her to date. Dad is hearing wedding bells, is he right or will it just be, An Arrangement.


    • Monique Lain says:

      You said it Lillimarlene, I’ll def be looking at more of her work, she just blows me away with the way she writes! Let us know how The Arrangement works out for you. Thanks for the share! 😉


    • Valerie says:

      I loved A Discovery of Witches also; waiting for Shadow of Night to come out in paperback so the Nook price will go down. Deborah is writing the third book now; untitled so far, to be released in December:)


  5. Valerie says:

    Damn all of you ladies! Now I have to read Real…this is truly an illness! I’m in the middle of ROCK MY BED right now, so no comment until next week when I will share my extreme excitement (hint hint). What I did read was Guns “N” Roses by Kristine Cayne, Against the Wall by Rebecca Zanetti, All the Way by Jennifer Proby. I liked them ok but wouldn’t reread them. What I did really like was No Dress Required, a novella/short story by Cari Quinn. Now off to buy Real 🙂


  6. Deb says:

    Mo…I found All that he demands, desires, requires by Olivia Thorne….can not believe I have found another other than Christian! Lily and Connor….very similar but a nice read…have you read this? Let me know….


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hiya Deb, no I haven’t read it, it wasn’t even on my list but thanks to you it is now… 😉 It will have to be an awesome read if it’s to compete with FSOG. Have you read Real????


  7. Liz says:

    I also read REAL and agree it was great and can’t wait for the next one. I also re-read Collide by Gail McHugh. I cannot get enough of this book. Gavin Blake is definitely up there on my list with Christian, Gideon, and Jesse. If you haven’t read it yet I would move it up on your list. I just started Down to You which I am liking so far.


  8. Michele says:

    Last week I read Claim Me which was the follow up to Release me. I loved it. Its a must read. Cant wait to read the last book in the trilogy which will be Complete Me. I then read Beautiful Bastard and then the follow up Beautiful Stranger. I loved them both. It only took me a day to read each of those books. I just didn’t want to put them down. I had already downloaded Real since all of you guys suggested it but i hadn’t gotten around to reading it since my bookshelf is so long but after reading today’s reviews it just officially got bumped up so i’m gonna start reading it today.


  9. I’ve read a lot of good books these past few weeks.
    I’ve read the Bowen series by Elle Aycart, I really love those.
    Trust in Advertising by Victoria Michaels, also a good read.
    Masters of the Shadowlands series by Cherise Sinclair, gotta love those. I already miss my Masters and are eagerly awaiting the next book in the series which is out in May.
    New York series by Lainey Reese, also good books.
    Beautifully Damaged by L.A. Fiore, is a really really good book, I can highly recommend it.
    The Bet by Rachel Van Dyken, it’s an okay book. Not fantastic, but a nice read.
    The Reluctant Dom by Tymber Dalton, an absolutely amazing and fantastic book. I cried my eyes out, but damn it was good.
    Stark Trilogy by J. Kenner, or well the first two books that are out, they are also good books.

    I haven’t really found that wow book (other than The Reluctant Dom of course). So I’m in search of that.
    I’ve just started reading Real.
    I’m going back home to Denmark for three weeks on Friday, so I’m in the process of finding a lot of goods reads to bring.


  10. Jen says:

    Monique I just finished the mighty storm and I’m putting it up there with bared, and this man! I read it in 24 hours and she has a follow up coming August called whethering the storm . I give it a definite 5 stars! You will be in love with Jake and Tru!!


    • Monique Lain says:

      HI Jen, I am so torn between Mighty Storm and Rock The Heart..I don’t know which to read first…URGH!!! I had a bit of an excellent book drought and now I seem to have too many options!


  11. Maisie Scarlett says:

    I read tempting the best man, It was too short for me.

    I am now looking up your recommendations but you all must read “Real”. Is is the best book I have read this year!


    • Monique Lain says:

      Yep, I agree with you, Tempting is short and unfortunately it doesn’t help to read the rest of the series because they are each for a different brother. How great is REAL? Oh my, I may never get over it… 😉


  12. tracy says:

    Thanks to the book club, I read This Man and Beneath this Man this week…TWICE…lol Loved them! Can’t get enough of Jesse.

    Fyi…if you read all day , and I mean ALL day, for 3 days straight, it’s hard to come back to reality…lol. Went back to work today and I couldn’t get Ava and Jesse out of my head. I kept looking around like they should be there somewhere. What’s wrong with me???

    After reading the comments above I most definitely will be reading Real next. Beautiful Disaster still on my shelf as well as Destined to Feel, and Destined to Play…both by Indigo Bloome.


    • Monique Lain says:

      Jesse rocks! Nothing is wrong with you, they live in our hearts and our minds – for real! LOL! Ooohh enjoy Real, I was blown away! I think over the last week I’ve become a one-man Katy Evans advertising agency!


  13. Liezel says:

    Just finished Real. Talk about sexual frustration!!!!! Bloody hell!! Great book. Anyone know when Mine will be published? Better get back to reading walking disaster now.


  14. Amy says:

    oh I LOVED Real! Just got done reading it today after your recommendations! I hope the author continues the story…I’m a bit greedy like that!! Anymore recommendations?


    • Monique Lain says:

      Amy as far as I can tell she’s planning four more in the series with the next one coming out mid year but please don’t hold me to that! 😉 What have you read? Crossfire is an absolute must and so is the This Man series. I enjoyed M Leighton’s series Down to You and Up To Me, the Blackstone Affair, Tiffany Reisz… Are you on Goodreads? If you friend me from there (having an account is free) you can see all I’ve read in this genre and how I’ve rated it as well as all the books I’m waiting to read… So glad you’re on the Remy train with us!


      • Amy says:

        HI Monique, I heard back from the author and her next book is coming out in June so we’ll get another fix of Remy!! I read the crossfire series and loved it and can’t wait for the next book!! saw that there is a third book coming out in December for the Gabriel books 🙂 so I also read this past week (based on your reader’s posts) both claim me and release me which I really enjoyed!! I am not on Goodreads but probably should be! I was thinking of starting The Arrangement series….what do you think? of course once I start a series nothing in my house gets done!! my poor husband and son!! LOL!!!


        • Monique Lain says:

          I know what you mean Amy, nothing else matters when you’re lost in a good book. I know, June is going to be a killer book month, Crossfire and Real!! URG! I might lock myself away! I hope they don’t come out the same week because I don’t think I’ll be able to choose which one to start first. I’ve not read the Arrangement series but I’ve heard from many that HM Ward is an excellent writer. It’s on my (very) long list.. 🙂


    • Jen says:

      Omg loved REAL! I think I’m going to have to read it twice. I’m actually in mourning that its over . I loved your post that everyone around you is going on with their normal lives and you just finished reading and are an emotional wreck 😭. I also read the vampire series first bitten and the original sin by Samantha towle who wrote the mighty storm. They are really good and a third is on the way.
      On my shelf are the release me / claim me and then Elle aycart series INKED. I guess at some point I need to take care of my husband 😜and children . I’m just so addicted. LOVE book club! 😘


      • Monique Lain says:

        Oh Jen, I so know what you mean! Sometimes I wish I could retreat in a bubble where no one misses me and I have nothing to do but read! Real was WONDERFUL, can’t wait for the rest of the series. Yep, as life streams past we’re stuck in the world of a book… 😉


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