Between the covers book club and teaser

Hello lovely ladies!

I hope the weekend is treating you well. Thank you for all the well wishes for our move. I so love the little community we’ve become through all of this 😉


This week I’m reading:


Remy by Katie Evans. Isn’t it absolutely lovely when a follow-on book in a series comes out so soon after the previous one? And to top it off, a POV book. I absolutely love this series and to read it from Remmy’s point of view, from the moment he laid eyes on Brooke, is just a treat. I’m not done yet, but LOVING it!


I’m not sure how this week’s writing is going to go. Last week of school and then off to Brisbane for school interviews and search for a new home…. Nevertheless, I will try my very best…


Can you believe that we are on 62 chapters? Here’s a little taste of it…..

“….“What the fuck do you mean she’s missing? Where the hell is your security team in all of this?” he yells, banging his fists onto the desk, making everything on it jump out of place….”

Angela shared this: A girl who reads… Love it!

This gives new meaning to the joke about how you like your eggs in the morning…


Unfertilised! LOL! 🙂

Happy reading week ladies,

Monique x


14 thoughts on “Between the covers book club and teaser

  1. Katherine says:

    Good morning Monique I’m also reading Remy, nearly finished and I love it this could be my favourite of the series.
    On my shelf I have Light me up by Cherrie Lynn and I hope to get to start reading this week.
    I would love it if your readers could come up with some good books for my Christmas list please, I love curling up with a (real) book in the winter, for me that is my ultimate winter wonderland lol feet up fire blazing usually raining outside and a big hardback book in my hands.

    Now on to the teaser………..who is missing, I don’t think it’s Ana, think Christian was too calm for it to be her, as usual I have no idea!
    Good luck with your busy schedule we will be here waiting for your next chapter when you get time x


    • Monique Lain says:

      LOL! Yes, Katherine, Remy rocks! Ooohhh, yes, what a great way to spend a cold day, or a hot one for that matter! I’m being very mean with the teaser… I know, but you know me that way 😉 LOL!


  2. Perly says:

    Oh god please have mercy and post the new chapter soon. I’m literally holding my breath.
    You are such an amazing writer! It’s such a treat to read your story. Please please please update soon.
    Love you so much.


    • Monique Lain says:

      Oh that’s so wonderful to hear Perly. Hopefully I can update next weekend, but like I warned in my previous post, my life is soon to be turned upside down, plus of course the crazy holidays… Please bare with me and the manic schedule I’ll have over the next month… Thank you so much for your comment 😉


  3. Sharon Starr says:

    Love the weekly book club. I was undecided about Remy, but you convinced me. His luscious self will be sitting on my bookshelf this week. (And that’s something to look forward to!). I’ve been enjoying Kristen Ashley’s Colorado man series. She’s got a certain formula…story lines flow the same direction, each man uses the same dialogue, very predictable….but darn if it doesn’t work for me. Nothing overwhelming, but I have enjoyed each book. Monique, best of luck in your interviews and finding a happy new home. Want that for you, and your fans want you to get settled, girlfriend! (The better to stimulate lots of new writing!!) Let us know how it goes-exciting new experiences await you in Brisbane! Happy for you.


    • Monique Lain says:

      Ohhh…I don’t know her, will check it out. Thank you for your well wishes. I’ll keep you up to date;)


      • Sharon Starr says:

        Lady Luck is probably my fav out of the Colorado series, The books stand on their own, but the characters from each book come into play In each of the other books. She has built an amazing following as a self-published author, and is now with a publisher.


  4. Jen says:

    Monique, love the bacon and eggs! Hilarious! In the middle of Remy too and loving it!! What do I start next??? Have a great move and a great holiday😍 Jen


  5. Janien says:

    I read something old this week, Afterburn from Sylvia Day. Loved it!
    It was this book that inspired her to write about Gideon en Eva. I can see why now! Monique, you cannot write these teasers and leave me like that! Stout ben je, heel erg stout! 😉 And since you like moving so much, why don’t you come to Holland? Lol! Have a great move……..
    I know I am stout too! Janien xxxx


  6. KereCB says:

    Oh Monique you are going to love REMY, I did. I finished yesterday. Hope everything go well with the interviews. Sending you a big hug my friend… xoxo


  7. Valerie says:

    Oh that teaser just killed me…


  8. Winterstorm says:

    Loved Remy! None of her books disappoint! Now I need a new read…


  9. M.A.C. says:

    Oh you little “devil”… I bet Leila is missing!!!! I am a chapter behind so going to enjoy my reading this week!! I am happy that we can “go with you” wherever you go… Thank you for all your love and all our fifty shades. Wish you well in Brisbane and yes we will be waiting. 😉


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