Between the covers book club

Hello, lovely ladies 😉


Happy International Women’s Day!


I thought a little extra boy-joke was in order considering that today is supposed to be our day 😉

Susan shared this one with me; a clip EL James posted on Twitter. Made my day…

Beautiful, right? Share the love, peeps 🙂

Then some FSOG related news from the past week:

The Sydney Morning Herald delivers and unexpected fan…

From the New York Times, an interesting viewpoint about the way we receive and perceive movies including FSOG

Thank you, Lissa and Susan for sharing 😉

 I saw this on The Mirror site: Is Lily Allen set to join the FSOG movie? 

These are fan edits of possible movie posters, all from the Laters Baby UK Facebook page:

mo1 mo3

mo2 mo5

Last one by @poseydornan

This clip features an interview with Jamie for Attitude Magazine:

Jamie reads using his SEXY voice…

Jamie for Calvin Klein…

There is something about the following CK clip that got me going. I think it’s because it was the first time I glimpsed Christian in Jamie…

Look how young he is! 😉


This week I read:

d fdb

Dylan by Jo Raven, book four in the Inked Brotherhood series, was a great read. I enjoy the gritty, edgy nature of her writing.

Fire Down Below by Debra Anastasia, book one in the Gynazule series was…. well, how to put this mildly? Let’s call it interesting. I got through the first 130 of 814 pages in this disaster-a-minute e-book and left it there. She’s definitely creative and uses some exceptionally colorful language, but this one was not for me. The marketing was what intrigued me most, that and the great ratings it’s received on Goodreads. She’s gotten the cream of our genre to review her book and write it off as a hopelessly lost case but through it all you can sense the tongue-in-cheek comedy. This read is certainly not to be taken seriously, but be very sure that you can handle or enjoy, for that matter, the EXTREMELY taboo content. NOTHING is off limits in this wacky read. Be warned.

Currently I’m reading:


Heat Seeker by Lora Leigh, book three in the Elite Ops series. I’ve had this one on my shelf for a while but I’ve been sidetracked by other series I was keen on finishing first. As always she brings heated intensity paired with well researched, plausible action and danger. I love her stuff.

I may wander back to the This Man series before I start my next reading adventure. I miss Jesse…


Here’s another little nugget of truth that I’m sure you can all relate to…


Don’t be shy to share, girls! I love hearing from you. Have a beautiful week.


Monique xx

M heart

10 thoughts on “Between the covers book club

  1. crystal says:

    I like seeing a lot more of what Jamie has in the Calvin Kline ad!!!


  2. Katherine says:

    Hi Monique. I’m currently reading This Man Confessed, as usual enjoyed the books, sometimes it’s a comfort for me to go back and re read a book. Your review for Fire Down Below has me curious I may have a look at that one. I need something to get my teeth into, any suggestions?
    Have a great week


    • Monique Lain says:

      I strongly suggest you get the sample before you buy FDB. To say I didn’t like it is putting it mildly. If you;re keen for a more thorough review drop me a line via email. Yes, This Man is like comfort food. I hear Nineteen Minutes by Bet Flynn is really great but hectic, intense, and quite dark. On the lighter side I hear great things about The Deal by Elle Kennedy. I think I might read Deal before I tackle the nightmarish content on Nineteen minutes. Hope that helps, Katherine. Also, I want to hear what your weekend away was like!!!


  3. Carmela says:

    Hi Monique. This week I have read hard to come by from laura Kay. I am thoroughly enjoying this series although I have to wait for the next two books to be published to finish the hard ink series. They are different to fifty shades of grey but quite good and captivating. I have seen many fan made pics and trailers for darker and I cannot wait for the next movie. Have seen fsog 7 times and I love this movie more every time I see it. You appreciate it better the second time around because I think the first time we watch this movie we are frenzied with all the hype. I am completely sold on both actors which is surprising because I was Never a Dakota fan but I have changed my mind. Enjoy your week.


    • Monique Lain says:

      I’ll check out Hard To Come By. Thank you for that, Carmela. Yes, I agree with you. It was much better the second time around. I could relax knowing exactly what to expect. Bring on Darker! 😉


  4. anicesecret says:

    Oh my gosh that 3rd fan poster ughhh that right there sent all my doubts about then 2 away 100% pure fire and sexiness


  5. Lori F says:

    I love the “This Man” trilogy! I’m reading book 3 of Jodi’s “One Night” trilogy….she’s good!


    • Monique Lain says:

      I also LOVED the This Man trilogy, Lori but I just could not stomach the One Night series. I really didn’t enjoy the first book so I’ve not gone onto the second and third.


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