Spanish Chapter and news

Hello, girls 🙂

Just a quick one to let you know that Kereny has sent me the next Spanish chapter. Please find chapter 47 in the sidebar. Thank you, girlfriend! 😉

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The following is all from the Laters Baby UK Facebook page:

An article from The Daily Mail confirming that Jamie is doing the sequel WITH his lovely wife’s blessing. 

The Daily Mail claims ten minutes of extra hotness on the director’s cut DVD. Personally I think the movie had enough sex. What I’d like to see MORE of is the connection between the two. I want to see how our inscrutable man falls – HARD – for our girl… And ten minutes??? WTF?! LOL!

Then this! Sooooo cute! Fifty Shades of Toy Story:

6 thoughts on “Spanish Chapter and news

  1. KereCB says:

    You are welcome Mo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Crystal Stearns says:

    how do I find Laters Baby UK facebook page? I have read her web page and some of the stories on her web page of other writer fiction works. There is one that is left hanging in the air for the past several year, “Fifty shades of grey and baby makes 3” and it’s really a good story line. Wish you would take it on and finish the story in your own lovely writting style and thoughts.


  3. Kim SA says:

    Hi, am I the only one who wishes they would get on with making the 2 sequels to our favorite movie? I see that Darker is only due to film in 2016 and release in 2017, what!!! Then another 2 years for Freed??? They need to shoot both at the same time and release them closer together (like 6 months apart). I realise that Jamie has committed to other projects now but they did shoot Grey in less than 3 months. Come on guys… its gonna loose some of its gilt edges if they keep us waiting, I will be too old to make it to the cinema without my walker…

    Please producers, get your act together and give us our sequels, I promise to see them at least 3 times each.


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