Between the covers book club

Hello, lovely ladies 😉

Sorry I’m a little late today. How are you this fine weekend? I’m finally on holiday! It’s a short one, but a break nonetheless, one for which I’m endlessly grateful. Rest. Yay! 

There’s no real news to report on regarding the movie as far as I know. I guess the next big thing will be the trailer release which I imagine would be round the September mark. I have to admit that I’m EXTREMELY curious to see what Erika’s done with her vision. 

I did, however, come across this: an Oxfam shop that received so many pre-loved copies of FSOG that they managed to build a fort…


LOL! Not sure if that’s an appropriate one for little kiddies to play in, but personally I would love to live in a house built with books 😉 

As far as my reading week is concerned, I ditched the two books I was reading (because life is too short to read cr@p) and decided to reread the Crossfire series in preparation for the final book coming out this week. Rereading is not something I easily do, but considering my deep love for this particular story, I thought I might give it a go. So, if you were waiting (breathlessly) for my review of Vi Keeland’s debut, Belong to You, book one in the Cole series, it’ll have to wait. I started it but can already tell you that she’s definitely improved with time. 

This week I read:

bty riy ewy cby

The Crossfire series by Sylvia day. I’ve never had the opportunity to review the first two offerings of this delicious range on the blog because I read it prior to starting the book club, so, here goes: initially, the first time I read book one, Bared to You, I was absolutely shocked by the overwhelming similarities between this story and FSOG. So much so that I almost felt incensed for Erika’s sake. Yet, the story kept me riveted. I was so desperate for MORE of Fifty, that I took it, any way I could get it. Book one led to book two, Reflected in You, and this was where the series REALLY came into its own. The story is gripping and poignant. Gideon is broken in ways that very few people would be able to identify with, but still, he is endlessly lovable, and my personal favorite book boyfriend. Initially Eva has a real issue dealing with their volatile love, a love that burns hotter than the sun, but the two of them grow beautifully through the dramas in their lives.

As far as I know, the series was originally meant to be three books, but before the release of the third, it was announced that the series would be a five book range instead. Naturally, I had mixed feeling: on the one hand I wanted – desperately – to see the conclusion to the story, but on the other, it offered more books in a well-loved series. I think the latter would have felt truer if the wait between the novels wasn’t so ridiculously long. As it was, you almost lost touch with the story between books which made every sequel thereafter feel slow, dragging even, rather than a natural evolution of the story. It also didn’t help that release dates kept changing on a disappointingly regular basis. However, now that I’m rereading, I have to admit that, with the pleasure of going from one book straight to the next, I’ve gained a new perspective on the flow and progression of the tale. Also, strangely, in the mean time, since I’ve read soooo many other books that’s based along the FSOG lines, this time, I could appreciate it more for the brilliant story that it is. It’s not without its faults, but to me, it is the ONLY “similar to FSOG” book that showcases the burning, indelible connection between a couple the way our beloved Shades did. For this and many more fantastic bits of beautiful writing – not least of which are some seriously smokin’ love scenes – I give the Crossfire series, book one and two especially, my Best of the Best award.

BOB png

I’m halfway through book three, Entwined With You and will follow it up with book four: Captivated by You, before I read book five, One with You, coming this week on the 5th of April. Needless to say, I cannot wait!


If you love this series as much as I do, and if you’ve not already done so, you can check out my Crossfire inspired fan fiction short stories:

Crossfire Meander: Reflected in you

Gideon Meander

On my shelf I have:


Stanton Adore by T. L. Swan, book one in the Stanton series (thank you, MAC), but I’m not sure if I’ll be getting there any time soon. Another favorite author of mine will be releasing a new series this week, which I’m sure will keep me busy along with the new Crossfire. More next week.

I’ll leave you with some of the reasons I ADORE Gideon and Eva’s story…

c2 c1

c6 c5

c4 c3


Beautiful, huh?


LOL! 😉 

That’s it from me girls. I hope you have a stunning weekend and please, share your best reads with us!

Monique kiss

43 thoughts on “Between the covers book club

  1. KereCB says:

    Oh Gideon!!! He is a dream! I love this series, not much book 4th but can’t wait for book 5. This week I finished reading Legend by Katy Evans, book 6 of the Real series, I loved it, I felt like Katy took me back to the beggining that wonderful spark of the series, and it has a lot of the main characters lile Remi and Brooke, and I just couldn’t put it down. And also read Beautifull Boss, Book/novella 9 in the beautfuo series by Christina Lauren, and as every book of these two I think it was f’ing great, sad that It was so short but weel It was a novella but I really loved it *_*
    I’m glad for your short but well deserve hollyday my friend, enjoy. Sending a huge hug. Kx


    • Monique Lain says:

      Yeah, it’s a real pity it’s taken so long and then when the books do come out, they feel like long chapters rather than books, but I do love Gideon.
      Yes! I know exactly what you mean about Legend. I said the same thing. Reminded me of what I loved about her as an author in the first place. And you can never go wrong with Christina & Lauren, Kereny. Sounds like you had a great reading week. Lucky girl! 😉


  2. WilderFables says:

    Hello, Hope all is well with you and yours. I am doing the exact thing; re-reading the Bared to You series in preparation for the April 5th release. It has been a very long time and again, like you, I appreciate the pace. I do disagree about it being similar to FSOG. I so very much appreciate FSOG and it certified what I already thought about BDSM, etc. But I do feel Sylvia Day is a better writer:)


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hello there. Yes, all is well, thank you for asking 🙂 I agree, the endless drags of time between the Crossfire novels were, IMO, a tad unreasonable.
      Really? You didn’t find the similarities striking? I read it very close to reading FSOG, only one book between FSOG and Crossfire, and I was gobsmacked. At that stage, the rise of the “like Fifty” books were not a thing yet, but still, I gasped at some of the reminders. The broken billionaire falling head over heels for the first time, the nightmares, the possessiveness, the fact that her best friend shares the (very unusual) same name of Christian’s dad, the control issues, the list goes on, but like I mentioned, I recon it was so pronounced for me simply because, at the time, I had not yet read the deluge of copycat stories to come. But, I do love the story and I agree, she is a very good writer. Thanks for the comment, girlfriend 🙂 Intersting stuff.


  3. Katherine says:

    Hi Monique
    I read your review on the Crossfire series very carefully, you have gave my a lot to ponder!
    As I’ve previously said I only read book 1 but didn’t enjoy it at all apart from the similarities with FSOG I really couldn’t stand Gideon or Eva especially Eva. Like you I have read so many books that are along the lines of Fifty Shades and they never bothered me as much not sure why.
    Your review might encourage me to have another look, I’ll keep you posted on that.
    So my visitors went home today, feel like i need a holiday now lol I got a little reading done. I finished Midnight Lily by Mia Sheridan and really enjoyed it, I love how she writes, I also read No more Mr Nice Guy by Amy Andrews it was a nice easy read not brilliant not not awful either.
    Enjoy your break


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hi Katherine 🙂 I’m glad to give you some food for thought. Yeah, Eva was at times hard to understand. The way Sylvia wrote her, so protective of her fragile recovery, is hard for a “normal” person the grasp. I kept thinking, just stay and talk it out with him, but she just kept running. I recon if you take a moment to think about it, one would probably conclude that despite the sometimes irritating behavior, it’s a pretty accurate vision of how she would act. Gideon, on the other hand, was my man almost from the start, and the more I read him, the more I liked him. I can honestly say that book 2 cemented my love for the story because the jury was still out after book 1. Hope you find your way to it, Kath.
      Ohh, yes, Mia Sheridan is great, and I agree with you about Amy Andrews, cute poolside reads indeed. Great to hear from you! 🙂


  4. jo scott says:

    Hi Monique,

    It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to make a post, you always manage to bring a smile to my face.

    Keep up the good work.

    Big Fan




    • Monique Lain says:

      Hey Jo, that’s so nice to know. Thank you. Sometimes I wonder just how many people actually pay attention. I can see my stats, and it always booms with a post, but so few folks actually talk to me. Lovely to hear from you 🙂


  5. crystal says:

    Hi ladies,
    Well it seems like my family likes hosptials and it was me this time to be admitted. Home now doing so so. Time will tell.
    I have been doing some reading between the fog of all the pain meds. Right now I’m reading “Holidays with the Walkers Brothers”. Its book 4 of the Alluring Indulgence series by Nicole Walker. It goes through all 7 of the wonder, beautiful, and sexy as hell Walker brothers and their loves and lovers. It is great with some damy hot sex. With my holidays would be that hot. I still recommend this series.
    I have never read Crossfire series and am waiting for book 5 to come out. I have found that I don’t like waiting for series to finish so opt to wait to read once the author has finished. Sure hope I love it as much as you do Monique. I still want to slap the hell out of Jesse form “This Man” series.
    I found fanfiction easier to read in my drug induced fog. Right now I’m reading “Independence” by Madison0705. A complete story that is shows a different Ana. Well worth the read.
    Enjoy your week. The weather here in Southern Oklahoma was a beautiful early spring day. Warm and bright sun. My garden is moving along and the potatoes plants are getting bigger. Husband planted cucumbers today.


    • Katherine says:

      Crystal poor you, your family are really getting a hard time lately hope you feel better soon x

      Liked by 1 person

    • Monique Lain says:

      No way, Crystal. Are you alright? Please get well soon, huh? And yes, you and me both on the waiting for a new book in a series, and Crossfire was particularly bad in that sense. But luckily that wait is over now and you’ll be able to read the complete series. You lucky girl. I wish I could read it for the first time again. Ooh and spring has sprung for you! That’s lovely. Our evenings and mornings are feeling a little cooler but the days are still hot, not that I’m complaining. I never look forward to the winter months. Great to hear from you, Crystal and I’ll be thinking of you! 😉


    • sharon says:

      Boo!! Sorry to hear you are in the hospital. Hope you can enjoy some quality reading time….and that they fix whatever is causing problems for you. Feel better!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. tracy says:

    Hi Monique!!! I forgot about Crossfire #5! I’m so glad you reminded me. I REALLY liked the first 3 in the series, #4 was…OK. I might have to reread them before I read the finale.

    Hmmm, what have I read lately? I just finished book 6 in the Blood and Roses series by Callie Hart. I liked them, can’t say I loved them. Oh, I also read Confessions by Tiffany Reisz. Now, that…was fun!

    I feel like I’m in a bit of a book slump. I’m still reading, just not finding the “right ones”. I’m looking for one of those books, or series, that you just can’t put down. You know, the kind where you stay up all night, go to work late, read in line at the drive-thru, or skip dinner JUST TO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER. 😉 I’m looking for THAT kind of book. Suggestions??? Have a great week!!!


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hey Tracy! I’m so stoked about book five I just hope she brings it!! How are you? If you’re in a reading slump, perhaps you should check out The Baller or Cocky Bastard by Vi Keeland. I’m loving her stuff ATM, though they are stand alones. Also, have you read Kylie Scott’s Stage Dive series? Book two especially is a favourite of mine. Or the Chasing Fire series by Ann Marie Walker (very good FSOG like series). Let us know how you go! 😉


  7. Casey says:

    Hi Monique! Aaahhhhh, finally….our long-awaited Crossfire #5 is out this week. This series is my personal favourite and GC is my number 1 book boyfriend too. He’s that perfect mix of tall, dark, handsome, deep, intense, possessive, strong yet vulnerable.
    I read books 1-4 back to back and couldn’t get enough of them. I know the wait for the conclusion has been long and difficult but I don’t think their story can be rushed. People with traumatic backgrounds live with their scars for the rest of their lives and moving on is never as easy as just falling in love and living happily ever after.
    For that reason I think that SD wrote a more realistic book than most of her contemporaries. I agree that there are a few similarities between GC and CG but GC still stands heads and shoulders above all other BBs and SD is a much, much, MUCH better writer than ELJ in my opinion.
    I have been re-reading the OS books (all 8 of them) including the Confessions and love them too. SD and TR are probably my favourite two authors in this genre and they both create amazing stories. I find it ironic that most people are dying for more OS books and yet 5 books was considered too many for Crossfire…..I would be thrilled if both series continued indefinitely!
    So I’m really looking forward to this last journey with Gideon and Eva this week and I’ll be sad to see the end. Cxx


    • Monique Lain says:

      Yeah, it’s been an epic wait. You were lucky, not having the massive gaps between books. I think the reading experience of this particular story changes dramatically with the back-to-back option. I just hope she brings her A game. There are sooo many loose ends to consider.
      I heard Tiffany say that she’s not done with OS entirely, just done for now… Phew! Good to hear from you, Casey 😉


    • dblackmon says:

      Hi ,what are the OS books you are referring to. Thanks


      • Monique Lain says:

        Hi 😉 Original Sinners series by Tiffany Reisz. An EPIC tale with deep, vibrant characters coupled with a story line so big and so dramatic that the true scope of it only becomes evident after you’ve read two or more of the books in the series. Truly magnificent writing, IMO, but with a much harder slant on the BDSM aspect of the genre. Check it out if you haven’t done so yet. Tiffany features as one of my top three writers of all time 👍🏻


  8. Renee . says:

    I am a big fan of the crossfire series and I have reread all 4 books in anticipation of book 5. April 5 can not get here soon enough. I am sad for it to be ending and I hope she doesn’t do a rush job in tying up the loose ends- so many unanswered questionss Ì look forwad to seeing the TV series.


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hi Rennee. Yes, I completely agree. I’m keen to see it end BIG! Exciting stuff! 😉 The TV series is going to be good, but I’m curious why we’ve not heard or seen anything about it other than the fact that it’s happening…


  9. MAC says:

    Lady LOGS…
    Okay I finished 1-3 and then realized there was #4 GAH this author is killing me!! But after reading Momiques critique… Nice rhyme. Realized just how much I loved Gideon and why he is so high on my best men ever list. I never reread cause I never feel the same but honestly the angst and the intrigue unravelling in the story did take me back. I admit I may have skipped ahead… So need my very knowledgable ladies to remind me whose arm they found Nathan’s bracelet on?? A mobster right? So now I will,have to force myself through #4 cause I know it was less than riveting… Unless Monique wants to supply another fabulous short version critique!! I swear if this book does not deliver Sylvia is forever off my list!! But then again we are waiting for our beloved Fifty movies still too… Sad but true.
    Okay ladies lets hypothesize… Angus is more than just his driver and his brother with the FBI intrigues me. Now as Mrs. Cross Eva cannot be called to testify against her husband in the event something pokes up in the next book, unexpectedly!! Gideons dad… Someone put that bracelet on the dead guy!! Gideons mommy dearest… More there to be told!!

    All in with my ladies 💋


    • Sharon says:

      Ha….not just a mobster….a RUSSIAN mobster!! (The plot thickens). And as Gideon says….they wouldn’t have protected him unless they KNEW what he did!!


    • Monique Lain says:

      Oh, I so agree with you, girlfriend. Gideon is smokin’ in every possible delicious way. I’m 2/3 through book 3 and already I can feel the pace slowing, the story cooling. It almost feels as though she lost interest in the story so I’m really hoping she kicks it up a notch with book 5. I’ve always maintained that both 3 and 4 was really a single chapter drawn out over the span of a book, stretching a 3 series into more. I want to see a BIG conclusion to this great story. And to add to you list of loose ends: there is Megumi’s disappearance, Cary and his baby mama drama, and surely we’ll see Eva preggers in book 5??? Sooo much still to wrap up… Good to hear from you, girl! Let’s compare notes soon, huh? 😉


    • Monique Lain says:

      And Corinne, and the reporter… How do you like Clancy as Gideon’s secret little helper? And if not a trusted member, will the helper come back in book five to blackmail Cross?


      • MAC says:

        Yeah Deanna… But Corinne and his mother will be be back as well and not for anything good!! Well if we were writing she would. Never named Megumi’s “deadly domnant”… You think we knoe him?? Gideon wanted Eva to stay away from Clancy and use Raul now so the questions keep mounting… Why would Clancy help Gideon? So he could use it to make Gideon leave Eva? Ah but they secretly married… Tick tock. Tick tock. Miss Day you have made quite the long drawn out storyline. It holds tons of promise, hoping you can take that and ignite it into the explosion it should be after 5 books. We loyally await Gideons judgement day!!

        Ladies 💋


      • sharon says:

        And Eva’s mom made a point of saying she would tell Eva why money was so critical to her when Eva wasn’t upset. But Eva is always upset until Gideon gives her the wild thang. So will we ever know??
        Annnd…I’m kind of thinking her mom is going to be knocked up from her little reunion w/Eva’s dad. Cary had asked Victor if he was ever going to have more children….hmmmmm.
        I am enjoying book 4 more, knowing that I have book five vibrating in my e-reader. I’m off on Thursday…planning on enjoying some privacy and wine along with the final chapter of Gideon.


  10. Hi Monique. Hope you’re well. It has been a week since I’ve been on here but I absolutely agree with you regarding the crossfire series. I have read these books four times because the first ti e I resd them I could not connect with Gideon. I persisted because I loved the story line and I allowed myself to move on from fifty shades and I can say that I do love Gideon and Eva and cannot wait for the final book. Gideon is book boyfriend number three behind Christian grey and max Stella. I hope their final journey will be a happy one for them with the promise of a happy ever after and for them to be free of all their demons and enemies who wish them to be apart. I read your meanders and I loved them. Do you think you might write some more? I truly miss your writing. Your version of fifty shades was awesome. I have read it again and it still affects me as if it were the first time I was reading it. I look forward to the crossfire to series and I hope they pick Henry Cavill and Blake lively to play our Gideon and Eva. They would be perfect. Look forward to hearing your review of one with you. I have read some excerpts and I am sure it will live up to all our expectations and it might even exceed them. Enjoy your week ladies and happy reading


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hi girl! Max Stella is a pretty hot BB, Camela 😉
      Aww, it is always nice to hear when someone can go back to a story and enjoy it again. Thank you for letting me know. I WISH I had time to write, even if it was just fan fic… *sigh*
      Ooh, and yesss, I’m very curious to see what HBO does with Crossfire, but I’m super curious why we’ve not heard more on that little tidbit….


      • Carmela Dimattia says:

        Hi Monique. Saw a recent interview with Sylvia day today and the series is still going ahead. She also commented on who she had in mind to play Gideon and Eva a few years ago. We will wait and see. I hope she has some input.


  11. Sharon says:

    So….I am in the middle of book three of the Crossfire series. Everything else is on hold, so this is officially Sylvia Day week for me.
    Very much enjoying the re-read. And appreciating what an intricate plot Sylvia has developed, in between page after page of hot, passionate sex! She certainly didn’t shortchange either the story or the sex in these books. I’m enjoying it enough, that I’m wondering if I’m going to be happy with book four this time around. I wasn’t the first time, but a lot of it was disappointment that we were going to have to wait forever for yet another book.
    I’m actually a bit concerned that she has so many dangling threads, that she won’t have time in this final book to wrap them up satisfactorily.
    Really do appreciate discovering a story AFTER it has been completed! I do think a lot of FSOG’s success came because all three books were published at once….so no one had time to lose interest during the creative process.
    One thing I’ve done differently, is to look up the various outfits, jewelry and accessories on Pinterest as I read. I’m not active on Pinterest, so rarely take a look – but it’s been fun to see the Garden party dress with the roses, and the watch Gideon gifted her with, their rings….etc, etc. Everything is a little different than I visualized, but fun to look at the photos. If any of you want to do the same, just type something like “Eva Tramell Garden Party dress” into a search engine. I tend to use google. I even searched a couple of the songs on YouTube, such as the Van Morrison song “Moondance” Eva and her father dance to in the kitchen. I rarely take the time to do that when reading….but is fun to do.
    Sweet!! Love your story excerpts, Monique. I’ve got some of the same highlights.


  12. Renee. says:

    Another thread that needs tying up is Mònica past- how did she survive after her family disowned her?


  13. Nerissa says:

    Hi there I’m Nerissa from South Africa I love reading ur page I’m a great fans FSOG I love it. But crossfire series is another story altogether. I fell in love wth Eva and Gideon in the first book. I’m addicted to this story. When FSOG first came out and I finished reading it I wanted more. And I started reading the crossfire series I was blown away and Monique u will knw wht I’m talking about when u finished. I’ve all Sylvia Days books they r brillent I loved everyone of them. Try them u wont go wrong. I’m addicted to reading so I love reading erotic romance novels and this is due to FSOG. Happy reading ! Take care 😉


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hello Nerissa 🙂 Good to see you here. Thank you of weighing into the discussion. Yup, Gideon, as Eva likes to say, is in a class all of his own. And Sylvia Day is certainly a top notch writer. I hope you also managed to read my two Crossfire short stories here on the blog. 😉


  14. Katherine says:

    lol ladies I’ve been reading through all the comments and love how excited you all are for the final Crossfire book, I don’t have to read them now I feel like I have with all the details in the comments 😂 x


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