Between the covers book club

Hello there, lovely ladies 😉

How are we all doing? How many times have you watched the trailer by now? I’ve seen dozens of posts dissecting every aspect of it, but this one by Elle Magazine was a fun read. Thank you, Susan for the link. 😘

Now that we’ve had a peek at Darker, it comes as no surprise that Fifty Shades fame, coupled with the trailer, broke some records – again. Not least of which is the dethroning of “The Force Awakens” as the most watched trailer in the first 24 hours of release. See The Hollywood Reporter post for more. #AmazingStuff

Another cool thing I found this week was an actual recording of Golden… Remember, in Sylvia Day’s Crossfire series, when Brett Kline came back into Eva’s life along with his band’s hit single he wrote about her? That song, Golden, is now a REAL one… Listen to it here. I’ve heard many rumors of a Crossfire TV series in the works, but I’ve seen no concrete progress. Perhaps this is it? Let’s hope…

And then, look at this very naughty statue! Wow, that’s some bedroom acrobatics!


Oh my…. â˜ș

Before we start chatting about our book week, I wanted to mention one last thing. If you like to put a face to the name of your favorite book boyfriends (and girlfriends), check out this nifty board on Pinterest. This clever gal’ posts (unofficial) pics of the main characters in our genre. Pretty handy, IMO 😋


This week I read:


3 stars

The Protector by Jodi Ellen Malpas, while certainly a classic in the overbearing bodyguard/vulnerable waif genre, didn’t deliver on the raw and fiery passion that we had with the delectable Mr Ward, Lord of the Manor. The bond between the two characters seemed shallow, built on physical attraction, and not much else. And while I enjoy a good “can’t-keep-my-hands-off-of-you” story, this one seemed to miss something. Pity. I was sooooo looking forward to more of the fireworks we saw in the This Man series. Also, when you go into a book with a certain expectation, it’s very hard to remain impartial when you want to offer a review reflective of the story. Keep that in mind if you’ve not read ANY of Malpas’s books before. But, if Jesse is a book boyfriend of yours, I reckon you’ll feel the same.

On my shelf I have:


Tapping The Billionaire by Max Monroe, book one in the Billionaire Bad Boys series. The cover alone seems promising, right? 😉

Lastly, as I am a conscientious blogger, *wink, wink* I thought I’d share with you some valuable info – compliments of Sharon:


Safety first! LOL! 😂

Have a great weekend, girls. Let us know what you’re reading đŸ€—

Monique kiss

38 thoughts on “Between the covers book club

  1. Tara says:

    I am so glad I am not alone. I struggled to get through the book! Jessie is my all time favorite, so it is hard to live up to that! For me the passion between the two seemed forced and it really took me a long time to get into it. Sweet ending, that was a bit surprising. So that was a plus! But not a Book I will read multiple( kind of like Jesse’s O’s) times. Darn! So disappointing as I think she is a great writer. Although the pressure to produce another blockbuster can be daunting I suspect. Owell. On to Roman Crazy! Alice Clayton cracks me up!


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hi Tara. Yeah, I LOVE Jesse too! It was always gonna’ be hard to equal never mind top that, but her subsequent books seem to have none of the fire we saw in This Man. And I’ve got Roman Crazy waiting in my shelf! Oh, happy days! 😉


  2. Katherine says:

    Hi Monique and ladies,
    I also read The Protector and I agree 100% with your review. It was fine but I just couldn’t take to the characters. I fear JEM isn’t ever going to excite me again like her This Man Series 😱
    I’m currently reading Dance for Me book 1 in the Forbidden Series and I’m loving it so far, I’ll finish it soon and probably recommend it next week.
    Lol for the bumps, I was mortified by the statue my face was beetroot making hubby ask what was wrong, what a bad influence you are on me 😁😁
    Have a great week


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hi Katherine! IKR? It’s very sad. I wonder why though. Oohh, and yay for finding a good series! You must let us know how you go! And yes, I was equally mortified by the statues. 😳 That’s why I had to share!! Where in the world would they be?? And why? And who sees them? And… My mind is stuck on an endless loop of questions concerning the naughty art! I hope your blush has faded by now… Have a good one 😘


      • Katherine says:

        I wonder if its in Amsterdam?? I remember when I was going there for the weekend my boss had told me to have a look out for the statue at the end if the Red Light District. When I asked him what it was he just said you’ll know when you see it, ended up I never did see any statue. If it is this one well glad he was so cryptic I would have run from the office if he’d have described that lol 😂😂 x


        • Monique Lain says:

          Whahahaha!!! Yes, lets hope it’s there!! Can you imagine if it was in some random park?


        • Sharon says:

          Ok, had to do a search for the Amsterdam statue. Nope….the one in Amsterdam is tame stuff compared to Monique’s little work of art! There are a couple of theme parks (Korea, Japan) that feature erotic statues, suspect that is where this one might be found. It is blush worthy for sure!!


          • Monique Lain says:

            Hi Sharon. Wow, that’s interesting. I reckon we should all go visit that park together, let Katherine get her money’s worth from that blush! LOL! 😉 Thank you for checking that out for us. The magic of Google, huh? Frankly, I was a little scared to search for fear of what I might find… LOL!


  3. KereCB says:

    Hello Mo! I hope you had a happy weekend! Im reading The Protector, and I think that is not like Jesse, I feel that is only one, and JEM set the bar ti high for our book bf as to compete with Mr Ward. But with the protector so far I’ve liked it, really liked, is diferent, but a good diferent… andddd I’m so going to look for golden girl, I heard about the Crossfire series ok tv too, so lets hope that it could be sooner rather tha laters…. Kx


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hi Kereny! Yup, lovely weekend especially as it is the start of our school holidays here. Thank goodness. It was a helluva term! 😜 Glad you enjoyed The Protector and I agree, one book is short for what she wanted to achieve with the story.
      I would LOVE to see Crossfire come to life, but again, they’d have to stick closely to the books. Saw a MASSIVE rally on the news in Venezuela the other day and wondered if you were among that huge crowd.. Happy weekend, girlfriend! 😘

      Liked by 1 person

      • KereCB says:

        Well I haven’t finished the protector yet, but I’ve liked so far what I’ve read. And I would LOvE to see Crossfire come to life too, is one of my favorite stories. And yes, things here has been pretty moving, but as for me, I take things easy and relax, you can’t stress out about it. And yes I was there, it was a crazy huge crowd! Enjoy your holidays and have fun with ur little girl 😉 (she most be like ‘Im not little anymore mom’ LOL) sending you a huge hug my friend.


  4. Valerie says:

    Hi Monique!

    This has been a very exciting week. I’ve lost count of how many times I watched that trailer! I’m thinking that Christian doesn’t take Ana to Jose’s gallery opening…looks like she looks up and sees him there! If that’s the way it’s being played, well done…it’s good to see the looks on their faces; Christian looks a little lost without her 😍

    I see that you have Tapping the Billionaire on your shelf!!!!! I hope you like it, too ❀


    • Monique Lain says:

      Yes, it has, Valerie! So stoked with the trailer. And yes, they certainly make it seem as if she’s running into him at the gallery, but damn, these trailers can be soooo deceptive, they way they are spliced and edited. I guess time will tell… 😝 I’m looking forward to Tapping the Billionaire. Will let you guys know what my thoughts are. I seem to be struggling to find just the right thing, ATM. Aww, well, let’s hope 😉


  5. Carmela Dimattia says:

    Hi monique. Hope you’re well. Thanks for your review of protector. That is one of the books I looked forward to reading but now I’m not so sure. At the moment I’m reading Assumption by Aurora Rose Reynolds which is a continuation of the Mayson Bros books. Loving them all and still so much more for me to read which means I will be busy for quite a while. Loved the fifty shades trailer. Sooo looking forward to this next movie. Let’s hope it does the book justice.
    enjoy your week ladies


    • Monique Lain says:

      Hey Carmela 😉 The Protector is not bad, just not Jesse-style fantastic. It’s wonderful to find an author you love with a heap of books already available. Enjoy!
      Oohh, yes, very excited about the movie! Can’t wait! Good to hear from you đŸ€—


  6. Sharon says:

    I finished up Author Anonymous by E.K. Blair. It was interesting reading, but didn’t keep me up reading to the wee hours, or make me scream at the book. The “author” does have serious issues, and if a true story…glad she is getting help. She is much like a doper in desperate need of her next fix. Unfortunately, her hubby paid (is paying?) most of the price. I was way tired of her constant tears, and thought she must be one gorgeous gal to play on all the emotions from her hubby and her lover, and have them both tolerate her shit for so long. Her husband sounded so amazing, her lover never pretended to be anything but who he was, and she kept the blinders on. She would be one helluva high-maintenance friend, and her best friend deserved a major medal for hanging in there with her. The book setting, of course, is wrapped around book signings and publishing, so I would think most involved in that world would find this good, scandalous reading. And I gave the lover a major cheer at the end!! So….I understand the book is selling like hotcakes, big stir on goodreads with accusations of which author it is. All the hubbub is leading to great publicity for the book! Real? I’m thinking probably….but if all fiction, I think smart concept!


    • Monique Lain says:

      Ooooh, so very scandalous, Sharon! Your comment is on par with everything else I’ve read on the matter, and yeah, like freakin’ hot cakes, flying of the proverbial shelves. So? What’s the word on the street? Who have you got your money on?


    • Katherine says:

      Very interesting review Sharon, yeah I agree about the lover at the end, actually thought that was the only decent thing he done throughout the book. Were you not annoyed that she seemed to get away with her actions? I really couldn’t stand her and as for her friend to me it was a bit too little too late to be honest, she knew what Tori was doing but said nothing even though she claimed to be her hubbys friend, I’m afraid my morals wouldn’t allow me to sit back and say nothing so if you ever have an affair don’t tell me lol 😁😁 x


    • Katherine says:

      Forgot to say don’t forget she was lying to the therapist as well as her husband


      • Monique Lain says:

        Wow! This woman sounds like a real head case! 😳


        • Sharon says:

          Hmmm. Is it too late to say “possible spoilers”? But only a little?
          She was only lying to the marriage therapist so that she could continue lying to her husband….remember she added therapist #2 without the hubby so that she could talk to someone without the lies. Though, I imagine she lied to them, too. She really did need all the help she could get. And there are so many types of people and marriages, I don’t find an affair to be as offensive as you do, Katherine. There are sometimes mitigating circumstances. But in her case, she had a really incredible hubby…hated what she put him through. She didn’t deserve him, I think we can both agree on that.


  7. Sharon says:

    Oooo, forgot to say I LURVED the trailer. I was sorry they put Kim Basinger in a suit for the masquerade. My guess was to show she was a Domme, but I think she should have been dressed as the drop dead femme fatale that she is, and show her Domme in her bearing and attitude. Why did she have to dress in a man suit for that?! And trailers are deceiving, my read may be wrong. This movie is going to be awesome!!! I can feel it all the way to my metatarsals (and all along the way.). Woo-hoo!!!


  8. Lissa Jeri says:

    Finished book 4 of Shadowlands but decided to avoid book 5 (and 6 &7)for now because I saw the topic of slavery (not the consensual kind) and know those kind of images can “repeat ” on me…. like a bad garlic pickle. So skipped to Cherie Sinclair’s first Mountain Dom series. Looks promising but I’m disappointed that the author clings to the same stereotype…. over six feet tall, always large, scarred, tanned, scary face. Why can’t she use different body types and create the tension with actions and words…. but I guess she knows her customers and its her income she’s worried about.

    Is everyone aware of the sort of joke or reference of Kim Bassinger as Mrs. R? She was the sub in the soft BDSM but mainstream movie 9 1/2 Weeks from eons ago. My first dom told me this was his fav movie. It’s very much a male approach to D/s as FSOG is the female approach. And I think that’s part of Fifty’s appeal. In 9 1/2 the dom was not protective in any way. He introduced her to D/s but she had not been looking for it. She wasn’t in any way virginal like Ana but he devastated her. And so it’s like Bassinger as Mrs R is almost revenge for how she was treated in that movie.



    • Monique Lain says:

      Hey Lissa đŸ€— I find some authors are like that, they follow a specific recipe come hell or high water. These books can become a problem when you read standalone style series back to back because the pattern becomes glaringly obvious.
      Yes! I remember 9 1/2 weeks well! Wow, it was an epic movie. Good spotting on the D/s relationship making a comeback for Kim. 😉


  9. Lissa Jeri says:

    But I found 9 1/2 weeks so wrong. He did not do anything that approached aftercare. He just used her. Yes, she was learning and got her thrills, but there was no sense that he cared about her. Titillating but no substance. To me, very clueless male. But with Christian, we have a very attentive, thoughtful dom who is just clueless about himself. And again, that’s one of the reason I feel FSOG series is so resonant with women.

    Oh…and you can play “Six Degrees of Separation” so easily with FSOG movies. Ready for one: Kim Bassinger, married once to Alec Baldwin, who played boyfriend of Melanie Griffith in Working Girl, mother of you know who, who was not even born until a year or so later…….I really must find something else to do with my time.


    • Monique Lain says:

      Aww, well, thank goodness for EL James then, huh? Bringing enlightenment to all the Dom men of the world! 😉 And yes, certainly FSOG boasts some intriguing connections to big movies of the 1980s… Oops, did I just give away my age? 😝


  10. Katherine says:

    Ladies little bit of Kat putting her foot (no pun intended) in it again lol.
    So today my sons podiatrist was out and her and my son were discussing TV series as usual and I piped up that hubby & I had started watching The Fall and were enjoying it despite Jamie Doran then I wentof on one about how he ruined CG for me, that was actually one of the nicer things I said well, she was a little well a lot offended, ended up she went to school with him and he and his wife are friends with her and her family and when he’s back in NI they meet up for a meal & drinks.
    Imagine my mortification lol Connor was ready to kill me & when she left he said “did anyone ever tell you that you have a big mouth” 😚😚 she was beetroot throughout the whole conversation, but I was so busy watching what she was doing I didn’t notice her face lol
    I just said I’m passionate about my fifty ❀❀


    • Monique Lain says:

      Whahahaha! Oh Katherine, only you, my friend. Too funny. Well, you certainly are entitled to your opinion 😂😂😂


      • Katherine says:

        Thank you at last!! I just showed Connor your comment, he said that’s fine but not to someone working on his feet with sharp scissors lol


        • Monique Lain says:

          LOL! Well, yes, I guess I can understand why he was a wee bit nervous… 😂😂 But still, a mum has a right to her viewpoints, and when it comes to CG, even more so 😉


          • Sharon says:

            Katherine, that is just hysterical. Connor will never want to go back to that doctor again! If it comes up again, you can tell her your book club is totally enamoured of the movies and very jealous she actually knows Jamie and his wife! I am, anyway!

            Liked by 1 person

            • Katherine says:

              I did actually say how much you are all so excited about the upcoming movie all true but I was trying to redeem myself lol I asked her to get a pic of him holding up a note to all you lovely ladies. She thinks I’m a complete headcase now 😀


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