Between the covers book club

Hello there, lovely ladies đŸ€—

Already our stores are packed with Christmas goodies, so I guess the end of the year is near. Wow. It sure has flown by. What have you been up to this week?

I found this clip, an edit of both the current teaser trailers for Freed:

Not sure if it shows us anything more, but good to share while we wait for the official full trailer in November.

I’ve taken the plunge and subscribed to Passionflix simply to watch Hollywood Dirt. I will let you know my thoughts when I’ve found the time to watch it. 😉


This week I read:

tials tiaws fwbs

Two is a Lie and Three is a War by Pam Godwin, book 2 and 3 in the Tangled Lies series. As I mentioned last week, this author certainly captured my attention, but at times, not for the right reasons. The female protagonist was extremely poorly developed, but the plot elements were solid. As a fellow writer I was very curious to see where she went with her tangled trio. She does write beautifully, her words painting a vibrant, interesting story, but ultimately the plausibility of the characters let her down. A good recommendation if you enjoy boatloads of angst and drama.

Friends Without Benefits by Penny Reid, book 2 in the Knitting in the City series, was a stellar read. I loved everything about it and I especially enjoyed Penny getting a little more adventurous when it came to the love scenes. 😉

Currently I’m reading:

c lh

Cole by J. B. Hartnett, book 2 in The Leaves series and Love Hacked by Penny Reid, book 3 in the Knitting in the City series.

On my shelf I have:


Ruthless King by Meghan March, book 1 the Mount Trilogy.

I’ll leave you with something important to ponder:


Because language is organic and new words keep things fresh. LOL! 😂

Have a fantastic week, girls. Let me know if you find anything AMAZING!

Monique kiss

A gift for you

Because you are awesome and I so appreciate your support here on the blog, on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and Pinterest I’ve decided to make this Happy C&A day! If you scroll down the side bar you’ll find a little one shot called Quickie Meander for your pleasure and entertainments on this lovely day.

I will only be posting it here and on Facebook, not on FanFiction

Happy C&A day!

Love Monique….

wet shirt  download (1)

Chapter 32

Hot off the press, check out chapter 32 in the side bar

hos room

Happy Friday!


What’s your symptom?


Do you suffer from any Grey-sessed symptoms?

joke 7

Good Advice…


According to the UK Sun E L James has mentioned someone she would like to see in the role for Christian. Now I hate people being bitchy over the internet and I’m sure this is a perfectly lovely guy but, for me, he is not Christian. Tell me what you think.

er1  er2


Eddie Redmayne

Thank you Katherine for brining this to our attention!

Your favourite, please share.

Hello, hello,

Seeing that I got such a fantastic response on the “book after FSOG” question here’s another one for you. Inspired by Kathleen’s ladies night

– thank you for that –

What’s you’re favourite Meander scene so far?

bw ph5


handwriting snip

Please don’t hesitate to post your questions for discussion if you have one or want to share.

Deluge of choice



cp1  cp2

Chris Pine

nj  nj1

Neil Jackson

jh  hj1

Josh Holloway

dg  dg1

David Gandy

According to ABC news here are a couple more contenders for the role of Christian Grey except for David Gandy who was suggested by 1klkelly. What do you think?

How could you miss it?


How on earth did you miss the fact that you can follow me on Pinterest?



How has reading FSOG affected your life?

I’m so impressed with the number of readers that posted comments about the books they read after FSOG  (thank you for that) so here is the next one: (thank you Liz).

How does your FSOG (addiction 😉 ) influence your every day life?

For me it opened a new door. Writing was not something I ever aspired to, didn’t even know that I had it in me. Starting Meander was supposed to be a purging process, which has turned into something I spend more time on than my actual job! To put it in perspective for you, I  posted Meander on FF on the 13 May 2012. That’s almost exactly 8 months ago. In that time, just counting the original Meander (not Christmas or Crossfire) I’ve written 173 568 words. If our industry standard for provocative romance is 200 pages per book with a 250 word count per page then I’ve written 3.4 books so far! That just blew me away last night when I did the maths! FSOG books were much longer with an average of roughly 500 pages per book which makes it 1.3 books for me so far.

The time and dedication this level of commitment requires has to come from somewhere, so suddenly I find myself in a very small world. I’ve completely stopped watching TV, I see friends a whole lot less and everything else I do has become a multi task. I eat breakfast reading and commenting on reviews, posting on the blog or answering e-mails. There’s no doubt that it has taken time away from a lot of things that I used to enjoy doing but the truth is I’m happiest with my family rattling around the house and me writing this story.

Strangely getting reviews and feedback has not gotten old, in fact I love chatting to the readers all around the world, about anything really, it never fails to amaze me that a book has brought us all together, not just on my blog but all the blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter, Fan Fiction and FSOG fan sites around.

Chapter 31

It’s here….


A .308 round

soft tip rounds  rounds 1

The difference between a softer lead/copper tip and a harder full copper jacketed round as well as the mushrooming effect a softer bullet has once it enters a target that offers resistance.

To all the faithful CSI followers, I hope this chapter meets with your high investigative standards! I’d like to thank our family friend and officer of the law, CC for his help with the forensic details of the latest chapters.